Creating Safer Environments

Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)

Removing air contaminants at-source for optimum safety.

Supplied, Fitted & Maintained

Supplied, Fitted & Maintained

Employers have a legal responsibility to ensure that employee exposure to harmful fumes and vapours is minimised and well-controlled. LEV (Local Exhaust Ventilation) is the ideal solution for removing contaminants expelled as close as possible to the source, before they can be released to the atmosphere and pollute air, goods and premises. Extraction arms, with maximum flexibility are optimised for each setting, with minimum interference to work and the energy required for operation.

Extract Arm
Local Exhaust Ventilation LEV

LEV minimises employee and personnel risk, but must be supplied, fitted, maintained and tested by experienced LEV specialists, such as Ventxlabs. Where LEV is not installed by qualified individuals, the organisation risks non-compliance in legal health and safety requirements. There is also a legal responsibility to test LEV capability every 14 months, which we are able to take of with ease, on an ongoing basis for our customers’ assurance, safety and full compliance with operational health and safety standards.

Extract Arm
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Talk to us today about highly effective LEV for at-source decontamination.

Fume Cupboards

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